For a while now, I have been posting my montly menus on Facebook. Well, I decided to create a blog so that more people will have the opportunity to check in and hopefully be inspired. As for the name of the blog, Sherri's Sanity, that is what montly menu planning is for me; my sanity. With 3 young kids, I do NOT have the patience for the clock to turn 5 and have no plan for dinner, it just adds to the craziness to the "witching hours" (those insane hours at the end of the day where we, moms, try to jam-pack 4 hours worth of stuff into 2) I HATE the hours of 5pm-8pm. BUT I have found that in my (almost) year of planning monthly menus, I have been so much less of a headcase during that time. When mom is happier, hubby and kids are happier. AND their tummies will be filled with yummy homemade food; even better!!Now, this blog will definitely take time to put together. Once again, I am a mother of 3 small kids and although I wish I could just sit down and crack it all out, that just isnt going to happen. So, check back often and I will try and keep things rolling. :) Another thing that fills my bucket, so to speak, is crafting! So I'm sure that will come along on the blog shortly too. Happy planning!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Baked Bacon

People, PLEASE stop pan-frying your bacon; we aren't living in 1950 anymore. Fried bacon not only cooks in it's own fat, but it makes your house, your hair and your clothes stink. Not to mention the hazards of popping grease!!

 Put your bacon on a wire cooling rack set inside your cookie sheet.  If you don't have one, you can use a broiling pan OR crumble and then uncrumble some aluminum foil so the grooves catch the grease.
Bake in a preheated oven at 375* until desires crispiness. I love me some crispy bacon, so about 18-20 min for me. (this will also depend on the fattiness). Did I mention that you don't have to babysit it like pan-frying!? Go ahead and start your eggs or pancakes (or whatever) in the meantime. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love cooking it this way! Have you heard the trick of lining a small bowl with foil, draining the grease into, let it harden and then just throw the foil away? That was a happy day when I discovered that tip.
