For a while now, I have been posting my montly menus on Facebook. Well, I decided to create a blog so that more people will have the opportunity to check in and hopefully be inspired. As for the name of the blog, Sherri's Sanity, that is what montly menu planning is for me; my sanity. With 3 young kids, I do NOT have the patience for the clock to turn 5 and have no plan for dinner, it just adds to the craziness to the "witching hours" (those insane hours at the end of the day where we, moms, try to jam-pack 4 hours worth of stuff into 2) I HATE the hours of 5pm-8pm. BUT I have found that in my (almost) year of planning monthly menus, I have been so much less of a headcase during that time. When mom is happier, hubby and kids are happier. AND their tummies will be filled with yummy homemade food; even better!!Now, this blog will definitely take time to put together. Once again, I am a mother of 3 small kids and although I wish I could just sit down and crack it all out, that just isnt going to happen. So, check back often and I will try and keep things rolling. :) Another thing that fills my bucket, so to speak, is crafting! So I'm sure that will come along on the blog shortly too. Happy planning!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Funeral Potato Casserole

I love Funeral Potatoes! Yummm!! If you could eat them as a main dish, like me, this is a great way to do it.

Follow THIS recipe and add

*2 cans of chicken, drained (I get mine from Costco). You could even use grilled chicken but I like the quickness of canned.

*12-16oz (your preference) frozen chopped spinach, thawed and drained. Or add your own blanched, chopped fresh spinach. I blanch about 5 or 6 big handfuls, then whirl them in the blender for a quick second with the ice water, then drain with a mesh strainer.

For an even healthier version use Greek Yogurt instead of sour cream.

I like to top mine with corn flakes :)

Bake at 375* until bubbly and hot, about 35-45 min for a 9x9 or 50-60 min for a 9x13. This makes 2 meals for my family of 5, so I make 2 9x9's, I cook one and freeze the other.

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